Corporate Governance
Sasol applies sound corporate governance structures and processes, which we consider pivotal to delivering sustainable growth in the interests of all stakeholders. Sasol’s values-driven culture commits the company to high standards of business integrity and ethics in all its activities.
Sasol Code of Conduct
The Sasol Code of Conduct is a public statement of our commitment to good corporate governance, applying consistent and high standards. The Code is underpinned by our five values and various Sasol policies, procedures and practices. It covers topics such as safety, health and environment, labour standards, human rights, diversity and inclusion, conflicts of interest, as well as compliance with applicable laws and regulations, such as data privacy, anti-bribery and anti-corruption, competition, or trade controls and international sanctions laws and regulations.
The Code is applicable to all Sasol employees and directors (executive and non-executive) of every Sasol group company worldwide. In addition, Sasol contractors and consultants who are agents of, or working on behalf of, or in the name of Sasol, are required to act consistently with the Code when acting on Sasol’s behalf.
Human Rights
We regard respect for human dignity and the rights of all people, as set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as crucial to the sustainability of our business. Our commitment to uphold the human rights of all people is captured in our Code of Conduct, Human Rights Policy, the Supplier Code of Conduct, and various other policies and practices related to labour and employment. Our approach to human rights is premised on compliance with applicable legal requirements in all the jurisdictions in which we conduct our business. We seek to align our practices with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and UN Global Compact, and we engage in fair labour practices consistent with local legal requirements and the International Labour Organisation Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.
Ethics Line
Sasol promotes a culture in which all stakeholders, especially employees, are encouraged to speak up and report unethical, illegal, or undesirable conduct involving Sasol and those engaged with it, without fear of retaliation or reprisal.
Behaviour that is perceived as unethical, illegal or undesirable can be reported through the Sasol EthicsLine. The Sasol EthicsLine is a confidential system operated independently and externally to Sasol by Tip-Offs Anonymous, a division of Deloitte. Although the EthicsLine allows for anonymous reporting (unless in a country which prohibits anonymous disclosures) the company encourages people to at least provide their details to the EthicsLine as it assists with the investigation process.
Behaviour that is perceived as unethical, illegal or undesirable can be reported through the Sasol EthicsLine. The Sasol EthicsLine is a confidential system operated independently and externally to Sasol by Tip-Offs Anonymous, a division of Deloitte. Although the EthicsLine allows for anonymous reporting (unless in a country which prohibits anonymous disclosures) the company encourages people to at least provide their details to the EthicsLine as it assists with the investigation process.