Manufacturing & Industrial
Sasol Chemicals offers a diverse range of high-quality products for use in the manufacturing industry. Our product range includes basic- and intermediate chemical feedstocks, process solvents and chemicals (both organic and inorganic) for use as ingredients in the formulation of a wide range industrial consumables- and materials.

Metalworking and Lubricants
Our metalworking & lubricant solutions segment offer a range of components specifically designed to enhance fluid and lubricant performance. Our portfolio includes lubricity enhancers, emulsifiers, corrosion inhibitors, wetting agents, coupling agents, lubricant esters, alcohols and many more. We provide specialty solutions from our global asset base, that includes the broadest range of fatty alcohols and surfactants, linear alkylbenzene and sulfonates, oil and water soluble PAG’s, ether carboxylic acids, solvents, normal- and iso-paraffins.